Why Trust Us !

With cumulative experience of 100+ years, our experts have helped 50+ businesses in their successful Operational Excellence journey. Seeded Lean thinking in the minds of 1500+ people in India and abroad through Experiential Learning of Lean

Our Services

We help businesses in many ways. We provide Process Engineering Services, we help them to improve their profitability and develop their human resources with requisite skills, all by means of highly systematic, structured and proven methodologies.

Manufacturing Engineering

We support the development and organization of production operations; we provide A to Z of Manufacturing Engineering Services; Let’s take your new / expansion projects to the next level of performance !!

Management Consultancy

We provide expert Lean Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering consultancy to improve your business performance, especially the business profitability within a given time frame.

Training and Development

Continuous training and development of the human resources is the key to success of any organization. Meanwhile, lack of training is the root cause of failure of many organizations.

We design and deliver world class Lean Games Training Kits that would transform the way you facilitate your Lean Training Programs

Flow Production Game :Training Kit

A production line can be set-up using this game kit made from LEGO blocks. From initial batch-production set-up, they continuously improve the productivity through introducing flow production and Line balancing.  Participants practically experience how flow production improves the overall performance while meeting the customer demand. The Kit can be used for unlimited number of times to train everyone in the company

Standard Work Game : Training Kit

Standard work is an inevitable requirement to produce consistent high quality products. Without Standard work, continuous improvement is not possible. You can make your participants learn hands-on, the importance and art of designing a robust standard process through an engrossing  and enjoyable game

Poka-Yoke Game : Training Kit

This game is designed using LEGO blocks in such a way that trainer can set up a production line and allow  participants to work in the production line and see how defects pass through undetected. Set up a perfect case for learning to design various detection ideas and mechanisms

Best about the workshop was, it made us understand the concept very easily with nice practical explanations.

Mr KP Prakash

General Manager, Amazing Export Corporation, Tirupur

Assembly Line simulation was very interesting and fun to learn. It was indeed a great exposure.

Ms Sarita

Executive Director, WTT Technology Services

The Lean concepts were explained in a very simple and understandable manner. I could relate them to my organization easily. Will try to implement as much as possible

Mr.Prabhu SP

CEO, JV Overseas Exports

The workshop was very interactive, fun and informative

Mr Sivaprakash

Director, Kumaraswami Printing Press, Tirupur

The Concepts were explained very well in the sessions.


Sr Manager-Opex, Eaton

Very good learning sessions for me to understand the basic Lean principles.

Mr.Praveen Kumar

Senior Engineer, EATON Power Quality

Understanding the relationship between the Customer Demand and Cycle Time and Line Balancing through simulation games is far excellent

Mr Ganesh Kumar

Senior Engineer, WABCO India

I liked the Lean concepts, 5S, Yamazumi Chart, – learning all these with experiential LEAN simulation games

Mr. Balavant Singh

Asst Manager, TaeguTec India Pvt. Ltd

Sessions were very interactive and understandable. Overall, it was learning with Fun & enjoyment

Mr. Gangadharan

Asst Manager, Wabco India Limited

I liked the 5S Simulation Game, which was very helpful to understand the 5S Principles very easily.

Mr.Viswa M Pannala

Engineer, WABCO India Limited